B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission slams Channel 7 for distorted newsflash about Israel and for trivialising a terrorist attack

 November 25, 2015

Media Coverage:

The Australian Jewish News

Seven's misreporting November 2015The B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission has slammed Channel 7 for a newsflash shown during the breakfast show Sunrise that featured the misleading headline: “Israel: 16yo shot and killed by police”. The ticker failed to tell viewers that the 16 year-old that was shot was involved in a stabbing attack and refused to put down her weapon. When questioned by the Australian Jewish News about this blatant lack of context, Channel 7’s commercial director, Bruce McWilliam stated, “We are not the thought or comprehension police are we?…If someone’s killed in a car chase do we have to say they were having an argument with their mother or they had exceeded their mobile phone or broadband plan?

Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission, issued the following statement:

“With this newsflash, Channel 7 failed to provide its viewers with the appropriate context and the factual chain of events that preceded the tragic shooting of the 16 year old. By leaving out the key details, namely that the teenager engaged in a terrorist stabbing assault and refused to lay down her weapon, and that two men were wounded in the assault, Channel 7 acted irresponsibly and mislead its viewers, grossly distorting the reality of what happened. I am also outraged with the offensive and flippant equation drawn by Channel 7 in which they liken omitting the fact that the 16 year-old was trying to murder an Israeli with a car fatality victim who exceeded their broadband plan.  Over the last two months, young Palestinian men and women, like this teenager, have killed scores of Israelis and injured many more. We expect media outlets to be fair and balanced on this very complex and painful subject, and to avoid careless reporting such as on this occasion. We call on Channel 7 to acknowledge they made an error, to apologise, and to make a serious commitment to avoid showing similar distorted headlines in the future.”

For more information, please contact Dr Dvir Abramovich on (03) 9272-5677