B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission denounces advertisement in the Guardian newspaper in which 343 British academics advocate for a boycott of Israeli universities and educational institutions

October 28, 2015

Image: The Huffington Post UK
Image: The Huffington Post UK

The B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) has condemned a full page advertisement in the Guardian newspaper, published in the form of a letter signed by 343 British academics which calls for a boycott of Israeli universities and other educational institutions. The announcement, entitled “A commitment by UK scholars to the rights of Palestinians” states that, “We are deeply disturbed by Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land, the intolerable human rights violations that it inflicts on all sections of the Palestinian people, and its apparent determination to resist any feasible settlement.” According to the pledge, the signatories will decline invitations to visit Israeli academic institutions, will refuse to act as referees for any Israeli university, and will not take part in events organised or funded by Israeli educational organisation.

Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC, issued the following statement:

“What we are seeing here is discrimination and delegitimization pure and simple which plainly violates the most basic tenet of academic freedom. This morally bankrupt attack, targeting Israeli institutions specifically because they are in Israel. should be soundly decried by anyone who believes in the cherished values of open exchange and the sharing of ideas between scholars and institutions. In  a world and in a region where nations engage in human rights abuses, and mass atrocities are committed,  singling out the only democracy in the Middle-East where free debate is encouraged and permitted is narrow-minded and unprincipled. We note that the proponents of the BDS do not favor any  form of pressure against countries other than Israel and this move once again demonstrates the double standard Israel is repeatedly and unfairly subjected to. Such boycotts do nothing to advance the cause of peace between Israelis and Palestinians. We call on people of good conscience and on academics and scholarly institutions around the world to courageously speak out and fight against this disgraceful and misguided pledge. We remind the 343 signatories of the words of former President of Harvard, Lawrence Summers, who in a speech about the BDS said, “Serious and thoughtful people are advocating and taking actions that are anti-Semitic in their effect if not their intent.”

For more information, please contact Dr Dvir Abramovich on 03 9272-5677