B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission concerned about Nazi memorabilia sold at Bendigo collectibles show

August 25, 2015

Nazi memorabilia -telegraph
Photo : The Telegraph

The B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) has expressed its strong concern about the sale last week of Nazi memorabilia, including caps, uniforms and medals emblazoned with SS and Waften insignia at the Golden City Collectors Association Arms and Collectibles Show in Bendigo.

Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC, issued the following statement:

“This is simply unacceptable. It is unbelievable that 70 years after the Holocaust, there are still individuals who are profiting from the immoral sale of Nazi related memorabilia. Obviously enough there is a market for this filth, and we need to confront head-on and close the door on this revolting phenomenon that legitimizes and makes Hitler’s regime and the systematic murder of millions attractive. Those who are peddling to children and to adults materials that glorify and promote not only The Third Reich but also genocide and racial intolerance are completely out of step with the Australian values of multiculturalism, inclusiveness and decency. We need to keep fighting the flood of Nazi memorabilia that is being hawked in various places and auction houses and poisoning our society, and send a thundering message that these hateful materials have no place within our midst. As we maintain a vigilant eye on the growing threat of white-supremacist organisations, we should  be asking who is purchasing these items and for what purpose. I would not be surprised if Neo-Nazi and skinheads are buying such objects as a vehicle to celebrate and promote their vile ideology and to recruit new members. Those who are responsible for the allocation of stalls at the Golden City Collectors Association Arms and Collectibles Show need to take a hard look at themselves and start exercising social responsibility by taking all the necessary steps to stop the sale of these disturbing articles in the future.”

For more information, please contact Dr. Dvir Abramovich on, 9272-5677