ADC welcomes removal of The United Patriots Front’s Facebook Page

The ADC has welcomed the removal of The far-right, anti-Islam group The United Patriots Front’s Facebook page, and the barring of its leader Blair Cottrell has from accessing the website. According to news reports, The UPF Facebook page had more than 50,000 followers. A 2015 Fairfax investigation revealed that Cottrell wanted to hang a picture of Adolf Hitler in every Australian classroom.

Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC, issued the following statement:

“This move by Facebook to deal with the epidemic of internet hate in Australia is to be applauded. The company deserves credit for making the right decision which is clearly consistent with their terms of service and community standards. It is vital that Facebook continues to tackle the problem of digital hatred and develops best practices for responding to this growing menace. It is our hope, that going forward, Facebook will not only vigorously monitor such groups, but effectively respond to user complaints about pages that celebrate and promote racist ideologies. Such an approach will empower users to report harmful and false content and to flag groups that disseminate hatred and incite to violence. Social media has enabled racists, anti-immigrants anti-Islamists, homophobes, misogynists, and other types of bigots to use this new technology to mislead and to recruit new members. Facebook must continue to enhance the conversation with its users and with civil rights organisations such as the ADC about countering hate speech, Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism. It is absolutely fundamental that Facebook exhibits corporate responsibility and strives to create a safe and respectful online platform in which people can protect themselves from toxic and dangerous ideologies.”