ADC welcomes French PM historic speech about anti-Semitism

The ADC has applauded the speech by French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron on the anniversary of the 1942 roundup of Paris Jews, in which he linked the anti-Israel sentiment affecting Europe now to the anti-Semitism that haunted Europe in the recent past. Standing at the very site from which more than 13,000 French Jews were sent to their deaths, Macron stated that, “France would “cede no ground to messages of hate, and we will cede no ground to anti-Zionism, for it is a mere reinvention of anti-Semitism.”

Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC, issued the following statement:

“We welcome and applaud Emmanuel Macron’s forthright speech that anti-Zionism is a reinvention of anti-Semitism. Throughout history, the Jewish people have been discriminated and victimized and subjected to a different standard than others. Today, anti-Zionism is deployed to judge and measure the Jewish state by a standard that is applied to no other nation, denying it the right to defend itself and to self-determination. Another tool wielded by anti-Zionists is the BDS campaign that imposes boycotts on Israel, and Israel alone, in an effort to malign and defame the only democracy in the world. The global surge of anti-Semitism and the alarming rise of murderous attacks and violence against European Jewry requires all heads of state and political parties to be at the forefront of those rejecting the evil of Jewish-hatred and setting a standard of moral leadership. The authority and resources of every level of government must be utilized to effectively address this growing menace and to ensure that all Jewish citizens can freely practice their faith without fear of prejudice or persecution.”