ADC denounces meeting in Melbourne that accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing and of being an agent for western imperial powers

The ADC, Australia’s leading civil rights organisation countering hatred in all its forms, has denounced a meeting to be hosted by the Socialist Alternative that accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians, and of acting as a proxy in the Middle-East for western imperialist powers.

Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC, issued the following statement:

“Here is another opportunity for the Socialist Alternative and its supporters to defame and malign Israel by accusing it of ‘ethnic cleansing’. Such an incendiary and extreme anti-Israel slur does not belong in Australia, and only serves to bolster those who wish to advance the blood-libel that associates the Jewish state with Nazi Germany and with other genocidal regimes. There has never been an Israeli ideology or policy to exterminate or expel the Palestinian population. Since the founding of the State of Israel, there have been Arabs who are full citizens of the state with equal rights, and Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, is the one place people of all races and religions can live freely. Another lie and conspiracy theory to be promoted in this meeting is that Israel is an agent for western powers determined to control the Mid-east and is responsible for the upheavals and misery in the region. Such reprehensible scapegoating of Israel is part of classic anti-Semitism, will only incite to hatred, and must be rejected and denounced vigorously.”

For further information please contact Dr Dvir Abramovich on (03)9272 5677.