ADC congratulates Emmanuel Macron on his election as French President

The ADC has conveyed its congratulations to Emmanuel Macron on his election as President of France. Macron won by a 32% margin against Marine Le-Pen.
Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC, issued the following statement:

“We congratulate Emmanuel Marcon on his election as French president and wish him mazal tov and much success in his new role. We note with appreciation his laudable stance on the importance of combatting anti-Semitism and hatred in France, and his commitment to enhance the positive relationship between Israel and France and work with the Jewish state on issues of mutual concern. Indeed, President-elect Macron prudently stated that a unliteral recognition of a Palestinian state is not the optimal pathway to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and we are confident that he will back Israel in the international community against delegitimization and defamation. In many ways, this was a victory against the voices of intolerance and extremism who trafficked in fear and bigotry, and a vote by the French people for the core values of democracy.”