ADC condemns swastikas on Melbourne trams

The ADC  has condemned the placing of swastikas on a Melbourne tram by neo-Nazi group Antipodean Resistance. The route 72 tram was vandalised with stickers promoting the white-supremacist group.

ADC Chairman, Dr Dvir Abramovich, issued the following statement:

“As we tragically saw in Charlottesville, these are troubling and testing times. Neo-Nazis and white-supremacists are becoming emboldened and more visible in intensifying their campaign of intimidation across Melbourne, openly brandishing their racist  and violent ideology and attempting to create a physical presence on our streets. The Nazi swastika is a universal symbol of hate that represents the evil that led to the extermination of millions, and is aimed at traumatising and instilling fear within religious, ethnic and cultural groups. This ugly act of vandalism, which violates our community’s  values of acceptance and respect,  is absolutely deplorable and is part of a spike in the number of such incidents.  This is a worrying and disturbing development and the response by government, police and leaders to this surge in extremism must be serious and tough so as to send the message that such brazen prejudice will never find a home in our city . A plan must be devised to combat this growing threat and we stand ready to help on this front.”

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For further information please contact Dr Dvir Abramovich on 9272 5677.