ADC condemns homophobic flyers mailed to homes in St Kilda and Shepparton

The ADC has condemned the distribution of an anti-gay flyer, comparing LGBTQ people to Nazi Germany, to homes in St Kilda and Shepparton. Parts of the flyer, read, “So Hitler’s invasion of the personal privacy of children in the 1930’s is the same totalitarian invasive influence of today. He used the same means, only now the pornography of power that is state propaganda has morphed from Nazi political perversion into perverted gay activism for abnormal ‘marriage’ equality.” Australia Post has since apologised to the ADC for delivering The Death Of Reason…and the rainbow walk to insanity leaflet. A spokesperson for the company, in a letter to ADC Chairman Dvir Abramovich stated, “As soon as we became aware of the contents of this flyer, we immediately withdrew it from distribution from our delivery network because it is against our terms and conditions.” It has been revealed that Kevin Bickle, a street preacher in Adelaide is behind the dissemination of the flyer, which can be found on the website he runs—Goliath’s sword.

ADC Chairman, Dr Dvir Abramovich, issued the following statement:

“It shocks the conscience that such virulently anti-gay rhetoric has invaded the homes of residents in St Kilda and Shepparton, promoting its message of hate and exploiting the Holocaust to demonise the LGBTQI community and those supporting marriage equality. Imagine the fear and intimidation a young person will feel after being confronted with such repulsive slurs. It is also deplorable that this extremist group is twisting the teaching of Christianity in service of their warped agenda and reprehensible incitement. This incident  once again demonstrates that the virus of bigotry remains a powerful force in Australia, and that we must all band together to defeat this growing threat and promote tolerance and inclusivity over the ideology of prejudice that these materials contain.”

For further information please contact Dr Dvir Abramovich on 9272 5677.