ADC: 70 years later, Anne Frank’s Diary is a still an important testament that has much to teach us

On the 70th anniversary of the publication of Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl, Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC, issued the following statement:

“Still today, Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl, translated into more than 65 languages, is one of the most widely read and taught Holocaust texts in the world. Few books have managed to capture so movingly and poignantly the inexpressible tragedy of the Shoah, and to become a source of inspiration and hope in dark times to so many. Chronicling the lives of two Jewish families from 1942 to 1944 hiding in Amsterdam attic from the Nazis, Frank’s diary is often the first way in which young people first learn about the horrors of the Nazi genocide. All who encounter this unique work, are entranced and captivated by the very candid and revealing account of a young girl coming of age despite the horrific circumstances. As we witness mass atrocities unfold before our very eyes, it is our collective duty to ensure that the legacy of Anne Frank and the timeless lessons her writings impart are not forgotten and are implemented by governments and future generations. Certainly, the ADC, through its mission of educating students about the dangers of unchecked hatred, extremism and anti-Semitism, and through its civil advocacy for mutual respect, is working tirelessly to ensure that Anne Frank’s words resonate on in the hearts of many, and that our children live in a kind and tolerant world of which the young girl dreamed.”

For further information please contact Dr Dvir Abramovich on 9272 5677.